About us


AFRICA and diaspora David Fig, South Africa. David Fig is a South African environmental sociologist, political economist, and activist based in Johannesburg. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics, and specialises in questions of energy,  agro-ecology, biodiversity, South-South relations and corporate behaviour.  David chairs the board of Biowatch South Africa, which is concerned with food security and agroecology, and works closely with various environmental justice non-government organisations and two local […]

About us

Our collective

The Global Working Group “Beyond Development”: An Introduction by Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari and Mabrouka M’barek Our world is facing unprecedented challenges: the rise of the political right in many countries, a historical level of environmental destruction and loss of biodiversity, a crisis of the political mechanisms of decision making, within liberal, representative democracies, abysmal levels of economic inequality that intersects with gender, caste, race, and ethnicity. At the same time, there […]