We recognize those following organizations for current or past collaborations

Global Tapestry of Alternatives

The Global Tapestry of Alternatives (GTA) is an initiative seeking to create solidarity networks and strategic alliances amongst all alternatives on local, regional and global levels. It locates itself in or helps initiate interactions among alternatives. It operates through varied and light structures, defined in each space, that are horizontal, democratic, inclusive and non- centralized, using diverse local languages and other ways of communicating.


Vikalp Sangam

The Vikalp Sangam process brings together movements, networks, organisations and individuals who have worked at practical and/or conceptual levels on alternatives to mainstream ‘development’ and ‘political governance’ models on a common platform.


Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)

IPS is a US progressive organization dedicated to building a more equitable, ecologically sustainable, and
peaceful society.


Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South

This initiative was born from a group of people and organizations from different Latin American countries. It is motivated by the urgency of building social dynamics capable of responding to and counteracting the dynamics of capitalist realignment, concentration of wealth and destruction of ecosystems that we see emerging in the midst of the civilizational crisis, and of configuring, together with those who wish to join, a collective horizon of transformation for a Latin America that guarantees a dignified future.


Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, named in recognition of Rosa Luxemburg, occasionally referred to as Rosa-Lux, is a transnational alternative policy lobby group and educational institution, centered in Germany and affiliated to the democratic socialist Left Party.


Cooperation Jackson

Cooperation Jackson is a network of worker cooperatives in Jackson, Mississippi, United States. It aims to develop a series of independent but connected democratic institutions to empower workers and residents of Jackson, particularly to address the needs of poor, unemployed, Black and Latino residents.


Great Transition Initiative 

The Great Transition Initiative is an online forum of ideas and an international network for the critical exploration of concepts, strategies, and visions for a transition to a future of enriched lives, human solidarity, and a resilient biosphere. By enhancing scholarly discourse and public awareness of possibilities arising from converging social, economic, and environmental crises, and by fostering a broad network of thinkers and doers, it aims to contribute to a new praxis for global transformation.


And those organizations we share similar struggles

Convivial Thinking 


Degrowth Network 


La Via Campesina 


People’s Hub 


Radical Ecological Democracy 


Systemic Alternatives 


Transnational Institute 


Undisciplined Environments 
